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Can stopping birth control pills cause weight loss - can stopping beginning command things cause weight loss

31-01-2017 à 14:06:52
Can stopping birth control pills cause weight loss
Weight gain from birth control pills may be due to increased appetite and fluid retention. Although the birth control pill has benefits, it may also cause unwanted side effects. Each type of birth control pill contains a different proportion and formulation of estradiol and progestin. The estrogen in birth control pills may lead to fluid retention, which causes weight gain. He may be able to suggest a different birth control method that has fewer side effects. Talk to your doctor about your desire to stop taking birth control. Almost as many women in both groups lose the same amount of weight. Women concerned about weight loss or weight gain should talk with their health care professionals. This content reflects information from various individuals and organizations and may offer alternative or opposing points of view. Although weight gain is a potential side effect of all birth control pills, some pills are more likely to cause weight gain than others. The formulation of one type of pill may cause weight gain, while another pill may not. You need to cut 500 to 1,000 calories daily to lose the recommended one to two pounds each week. It should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Almost all the evidence says this is not true. Case holds a Bachelor of Arts in sociology and professional writing from Saginaw Valley State University.

However, not all birth control pills cause weight gain. The birth control pill can also regulate menstrual cycles, which is helpful for women with irregular periods, polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis. So, while the women who took pills and lost some weight might say the pill caused the weight loss, it appears that women both gain and lose weight independent of their pill usage. The hormones in birth control pills may also stimulate your appetite and eating more can result in weight gain. Does the Mini Pill Increase the Risk of Heart Attack In W. One common side effect is weight gain, which may be significant enough to some women to discontinue the pill or search for alternatives. The synthetic hormones found in birth control pills and some other forms of contraception, such as the hormonal IUD, are the biggest factor in weight gain. You may have normal menstrual cycles right away, but it may take several months for normal periods to resume. It is very important for women to be educated about the birth contol pill so that they are able to base their contraceptive decision on facts, not myths and misinformation. A small number of women gain weight, with the average weight gain of about 4 pounds. Can the Birth Control Pill Increase My Risk of Cervical C. If you choose to quit taking the pill, finish your current pack and do not start another. Birth control pills allow women to control their own fertility by preventing unwanted pregnancies. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs. Surveys and studies show that almost three of four people, including health care providers, believe that birth control pills cause weight gain.

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